Sunday, February 6, 2011

Life is short isn't ? 
Seeing Grandpa lying on the bed and paralyse it did take me sometime to get myself not stumble

My Grandma and Grandpa was a lovely and naughty old couple 
I remember how my Grandpa used to ditch my Grandma for a tiny little matter and it makes my Grandma nagging all the way down and she is So crazily mad duh == 
They were never been separated for so long I can sense that is a unsecured for them if they being apart too long
Nevertheless tragedy makes fool on someone, not just the one but a routine one

Right now he have problem with moving the worst is he barely open his eyes, he needs to be take Care off

When he fell down, my Grandma are the first one who think he is going to stand up again, that is just too naive... I guess they haven't really decide to give it a fact are coming on
Well after she knowed the serious of it, she collapse and felt the world have stop for her..... She cry while talking, keep swallowing the tears she afraid she will let it out , she wants to be strong manageable, but the heart of her couldnt let her.
I can see it from her eyes when the first day I saw her

Guys life is short treasures your beloved ones and make every single moment flow with happiness, when it comes to a relationship be sure this is not a game you're playing, is a pre-wedding procedure a process, you should learn to accept every single things that your partner do( in fact I'm trying now) i know is hard it will be never easy this is life right? We gotta stay strong until we are prepare and ready for the day we giving away ourself to start a family


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