Friday, February 25, 2011

25.02.2011 Friday

TGIF yay!!!!
but i'm not in the mood duh.....=.=

ok lets just start my boring blog now

went to IKEA for lunch today (ok not purposely going just for lunch, but actually i would like to go there have my lunch everyday) XD

huhu......actually that 1 is just for placing the tray
is pretty convenience
the foodcourt are located inside the IKEA
their famously dish is CHICKEN WINGS
when walk through all the tables you freaking see everyones plate are chicken wings
and the price is not that exp
(well consider is not if is in the categories of western yummeh)

see the cake over there is soooooooooo yummeh
i was bloated having all the food in the end
at first i was so firmly though desert gonna make me bloated and felt disgusted
but hey it's not!!!
really you guy should have try that
you'll never REGRET!

when line up we don't forget our MUST DO
like CAMWHORING hahaha

well this is when are actually reaching the refreshment counter you can pick any meal that suit your appetite :)
(ok ignore the model of the picture=.=)

picture of our meals?
of cause does, how can i forgot this awesome job LOL

this is the cake that i mentioned
sooooo yummeh
this chicken was delicious but to those who wanna diet please take note that is kinda oily XD

Elyn & Me

actually IKEA is a place where keep the creative thing
and the sty-lo advantages has taking over the outsider market
well even though their price is abit HIGH to be compare
but it's just human does like stylish & modern environment right?
it change your mood your atmosphere
i gotta admit its something that will keep your creative idea never flow end
you can see what you saw and decide what your idea was
and bend it or break it or pin it
just right through the place makes you comfortable with
i am eventually advertising IKEA lol
anyhow then time problem for us to shop around we have to rush back to office before we get cane lol
so i swear!!! i gotta come again to shop like i never did , u just wait n see IKEA!!

Have a badminton session this evening

i start to keep fit in last month
i have stop eating like a pig
which mean i always eat till the plate is clean but not consider that i will be bloated in the end
it always make me suffer, and i always having the idea of how africa child has die how they suffer from starving.....i can't bear to throw any food (but indeed i'm a meals addictor )
and somehow i don't know when i really seeing my waist is double belly =.=
and i started to afraid
one of the reason is i love pretty cloth
i already drop 2 kg (applause)
but i intend to be more slim duh
i really wanted to be like skinny slim, i know is not that pretty right?
just really wanted to try what look will i be?

the end Good night my dear world and friend <3

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