Friday, May 27, 2011

27.05.2011 Friday

photography Pictures, Images and Photos

thinking of having "hielo" on this weekend, i'm excited!!!
do ya guys know wad is that?
well is actually an yoghurt ice cream that i crush on lately

i wanted to have an tattoo....badly
well is not that it's pretty cool or awesome
but i think is a special mark it slightly embrace what kind of attitude u are today and about urself :)

i thinking of some special symbols or words
Judas is a word that i wanted the most, because it's mean Jesus
and a treble clef sign will, well neither do 1 will make me feel awesomeness into it.....
ok maybe im over parody for that
but i am with seriousness duh

suggestion suggestion >...<

2 Shitty reply:

ღSεrissα1104ღ said...

dun 1 give u suggestion~
kaka~i oso want do it~

Unknown said...

come on lets do it togetehr >.<