Tuesday, May 17, 2011

17.05.2011 Tuesday

Today finally the day that i can rest my feet on
God planned my every single day
he know what is the things is suitable to be appear on my current state
when the bad things happen he knows that i can take to risk the blow
and thanks for my dear who always occupied his job and duty to comfort me although i always don't shower him a good words
but i am blushing here to say : Hey i am very thankful to have you all in my heart ! ^^

I wish tomorrow never come, gosh i hate hypocrite people...
can't actually saying they r those hypocrypy but definitely is not gonna be a good feel
damm i really hope i can handle this...
i am lazy for changing everyday and start anew
i just hope i can take things easily:(

God let it be Brightening Wednesday can ya? >.<

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