Marina bay
I wanna do some crazzy shit
before i give up on this planet
i wanna dive in too deep n gets to see on those tiny creatures that i never seen in my own eyes
i wanna flight to every single place without a penny on my pocket
i wanna go ride on star cruise
obviously its certainly u can't live without money from doing it
lastly all i wanna do its.....
says i love you
for you my mum
for you my dear
for you my dear friend
for you my God
for my mum:
if it wasn't for your strengh and the massive minded attitude, i woundn't have been here writing a stupid childish blog for showing my gratitude
every parents who loves their child so much
and i can see i always been i trouble for you, from the time i was born till today i'm still a trouble
but....u never give up on me
when i met my bad influence friend
when i met my puppy love
you were always there nagging about everything could be bad to me
but i never listen
i let you down all the time
i've give you disappointment
i let you cry side to the bed, but i wasnt aware of
dear mum sincerely ....
i am sorry
i am grateful for what you taught me, and setting up a healthy mind set for me
you could always say i was alike to my dad
but think about it, the attitude that strumble you, make u mad about all the time, its always like you.......think twice XD
mum i love you......please do give me more time to chg myself for you
My dear boyfriend:
i knew we doesn't have too much impression when we first met
but while we were already been together
you are that kind of responsible man that i have ever met in my life
you are no special from the others, but you are SO special
i know you always been so noob about romantic stuff, present to be gift etc...i know you can't possibly think of something like that, cause u''re originally NERDY
i like the way when i was making fun of you teasing you questioning you....and you are not going to get the correct answer ...forever.....
i been nagging to you always, now current also u can't escape like always i'll always been nagging to you, you can't stop me
but you can stop me by a kiss XD
i can see everytime when u talk about the future, you are so naively pure n clean to dream on
but you know how to pause your dream, so tats wad i say you are like no others
i love you too much dear
please forgive me for my stupid temper
well the DNA contains alot of my mum genetics can't blame me duh =.=
please give me time to be your perfect girl ok
my dear friend:
thanks for your supporting always
we share the same topics
we share the same laugh
we share the same air
when i was in trouble, you always struggle out from trouble to solve my problem advance than yours problem
you always have your style, thats what we say cool about it XD
don't just seat home find more friends!
as long the problem is moving on....we know who is truly a friend
thanks for your kind support in everything
i wish you all the best in your life
find a good bf
i am so rajin........type so much =.=
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