Monday, October 11, 2010

This blog was blogged weeks ago ==

It was a springly warm sunny day, darn it it's pretty hot ==||
Taking train back to Singapore now. yeah it's my virgin 1st lol XD, learn that this is quite pretty cool though, seating on de 1st class ( well seems not much different ) not drinking any wine lol , might need bout 5 to 6 hours to reach destination.
So it's boredom really kill, I just spending my time to blog up some yesterday eating cuisine XD
Went to subway Giza shopping mall yesterday not much to shop around but I saw the famous vintage shop Fullhouse was there, too bad my slr was left at spore =•= sad huh but mostly sad thing is we didn't went there for our dinner too haha.( cold joker == ), actually is my boogieman gathering with his college friends ( they super funny n nice ) , we went for Tao's sushi buffet each person cost in 67 ringgit in no discount price, after discount will be 58 ringgit, kinda ex huh == , not much option through but it's still a place delicious to dine :) they have a chocolate foutain ( I am totally idiot n over excited about this fountain chocolate coz it's my first time haha) , fresh oyster ( not pretty fresh to me ==, guys dun have that too much freddy will got cha at night LOL) , sushi ( not so much I miss my いなりi didn't get that sob ) , prawn, chicken wings, 干贝 , たこ焼き, salmon n etc they also have a very special promoting way, they will serve you with the top 10 dishes ( but anyway we dunnoe are they really serve all 10 dishes up ) nvm coz we are totally bloated in de end XD. Carry on we went Starbucks , awww it's so heaven to me, I almost been temp by the caramel and all de creamy vanilla drinks but I am so damm full la, can't possible will handle another drinks, T.T so just wasted a chance order for mango smoothies, taste like medicine ==, well I'm just playing my iPhone all de way at the gathering, u know I am so shy meeting new peeps XD, oh ya got some incidents during the Starbucks section, I went for wash room, n there's a guy with a very fit body n muscle == but he is not handsome some age in 30 already, n I saw de signboard in ladies cause the door didn't lock so instintly I just push the door, Omg the muscle guy was inside peeping oh damm does he know doors always have a lock ==, and I was so shock I dunnoe wad shd I do I keep apologizing n the door is still widely open, I keep thinking shd I close de door for him? Anyway he did wanted to close so I might as well close it for him, it's so embarrassing, anyway this is de side story XD
Tomorrow work work work, my boogieman got a job in spore, thanks God sooo much finally we can meet each other freedomly needn't to waste lots of unwanted expenses :)

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