Congratulations to this lovely couple
The very dream gorgeous, hideous, flamable wedding off all i ever join ^^
yea i been participate for being a bride's sister (although didn't help much =.=)
as well my little boogieman
i was kinda unware of wearing any specify cloths, tot would be as normal or etc...
but soon notice it real takes colouring in major, it happen to have receive a bless or goodluck fortune.... shd to wear a RED or white ^^ (well totally noob for live a 23 years just got to know the details=.=)
skip the girls make out
bet ya interested for boys dressing XD
heres a taste of geek

that it soooooooooo cute right?????awww.....>////<
each n one of them have a very unique name tag, the name will make you LOL n LOLOLOL
here's a 4ty nerdy (btw great pose XD)

with the effect lol a great match XD
sister definately plan for the whole trick for guys lol (is a tradisional to getting a wife with sincere gesture and proven)
before start the game, the groom have to give sister for red packet to enter the main gate, quite likely to enter a game for tocturing themself XD
(depents on how sister satisfy with your red packet then it counts u a pass)
total plan for 4 games
1st is crossing a line between main gate
we prepare the juicy grapes danging on de line
the rules is the boys have to cross the line & bend their waist as lowest as possible to across the line, but middle of it they have to take a bite one of the grapes only can pass through
and it counts u're pass the defficulty of level
2nd game is pumb up with marshmallow
1 guys lying on the floor n both hands holding marshmallow, & the other guy have to pumb down to eat the marshmallow with non-stop (tat day was quite rush, if not would be more calculative with marshmallow numbers)
3rd game is clicking on the face
well...can't denied it was quite painful, we using the cloths peg to lined on those guys faces, like nose, lips, ears or even eyebrown =.= haha
refer to my picture....

er....pain like =.= no way to home
and the last game is icy leg find the right key
we fill the 3 bucket with full of ice n water, n drop the keys to the important door (key to the bride) actually we also put some spare keys to tocture them haha
but this last gmae was quite fast la......
well u can guess how it works at the end of the procedure....the grooms finally gets the bride
although the procedure is the same, but we spend a happy memory together
aggressive plan ^^ tired =.=
blog like shit........damm i so lazy to blog nowdays...
like copy n paste only =.=
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